5 Digital Sales Channels to Consider for your eCommerce Business Strategy
Online or offline, B2B customers engage with sellers in both ways. This makes it essential for the sellers to understand the need and its pros and cons for using the best suitable digital sales strategies for improving different aspects of the business. Proper understanding of the working and characteristics of different sales strategies allows your online business to reach a targeted potential implementing the right steps at the right time. Let us discuss a few Digital Sales Channels that you can use to level up your online business.
Customer Portals for B2B
Creating independent customer portals for your eCommerce website will ultimately allow customers to easily browse and purchase products online. The traditional bells and whistles of notifications filling up your mail inbox are annoying. Dedicated customer portals allow more personalised suggestion as and notifications to pop up on your screens thereby improving the B2B buying cycle process. To simplify, customer portals will allow customers to receive suggestions on products according to their previous searches I.e; their preferred liking. This will also allow the customers to checkout faster with the help of saved addresses and payment methods with the assurance of customer information confidentiality at the same time.
Guest Checkouts for B2C
On contrary to the former discussed channel, allowing guest checkouts can also be beneficial for B2C transactions. Guest checkouts help in retaining the transparency of the products and their prices providing a platform for customers to easily decide and buy online without the need for logging in. Such a platform allows as a medium of ‘proof of concept’ for the first time buyers to understand the ease of payments, quality of products and delivery experience before becoming a constant buyer too.

Mobile Apps
The world has reached a potential where every single person has a mobile phone with a great share of it being smartphones. They invite the potential of expanding your business via native mobile apps specially designed for customers that prefer window shopping using smartphones than desktop devices. Mobile apps for eCommerce applications come with a host of features for enhancing the customers’ shopping experience thereby increasing the overall sales for your venture. Native mobile apps come with their fair share of pros with access to the device’s location allowing the customers to receive customized suggestions of products and offers based upon their location.
Online Marketplaces
The WWW is flooded with online marketplaces including the business giants like Amazon and eBay. Enlisting your business as a vendor in any of theses renown online marketplaces also serves and a separate digital sales channel for improving your sales numbers. These platforms also work in creating better visibility among customers hence aiding to reach your targeted audience faster and easier.
Digital Marketing
This two-word digital strategy has an elaborate potential to let your brand name to reach the targeted audience via various online platforms. You can use Digital Marketing in your business choosing either one or many options available from Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing to Search Engine Marketing, there is no simpler way to reach out to customers within a simple budget.

Investing in a responsive website, quality and business-relevant content and the right marketing strategies, system integration with the best-value product information management system, your business will be on its way to reaching achieve greater revenue.
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