Benefits of Investing in System Integration Solutions
Wooh! Finally, here we are at to know what is System Integration Solutions and their benefits. The internet is flooded with several different options of System Integration Solutions and you might have come across many ads on this topic every time you browse on the internet. But what exactly is a system integration solution? Keep on reading.
What is System Integration?
Many of the startup entrepreneurs or business-oriented people when commencing their journey into the world of business tend to forget to invest in a system integration system. Now, you might have heard this statement a lot of times. But let me explain to you how this becomes inevitable for your business.

Let’s imagine that you have just started a business with sales of a few products and a light workforce. At this stage, most of your data entry will be manual and communication amongst your colleagues is also easy. But fortunately, your business clicks and turns out to reach for the next better levels. Here you will have an increase in sales, you might also hire new employees, start delivering products to a wider area and along with all these pros you are certainly going have a pile of data to enter. This is where the use of a System Integration Solutions comes into place.
As the name suggests, System Integration Solutions is an engineered process that allows connecting various components of your business into a single centralised system. In simple words, considering the example above, all departments of your business such as inventory, sales, invoices, maintenance, HR, CRM, ERP and delivery will all be connected into a single centralised system. Here your next question would mostly be, why should I invest in such software when I can manually do everything as I did previously? Here is the answer to your question.
Benefits of System Integration Solutions
Assured Data Accuracy
Think of a situation when you have multiple resources entering data at multiple points of time. The whole picture itself looks confusing and looking further into it, the chances of having errors in such a procedure is high. System Integration Software only requires the data to be entered once and all you need is to update whenever required. This will reduce the possibility of typos and errors in the entered data.

Time Management & Improved Work Efficiency
As you might have already learned, apart from data accuracy, implementing a System Integration System will also benefit you in improving the quality of work by the employees. On one hand, the system will aid in saving a tonne of time with eradicating the need of entering the same data several times into different systems. On the other hand, this will in turn improve the focus of the employees into other parts of their job thereby improve their work efficiency.
Efficient Data Visibility in Real-Time
As the system is constantly being updated via different, this allows easier and efficient visibility of data when required. This will in turn make the process of reporting, invoicing, stock checking and customer service to become faster and less time-consuming. This is because the data is been driven as a cycle where each update in one system will automatically be reflected in all the integrated systems. For example, when a product is been sold on the eCommerce website, all the systems get the information, i.e; the inventory department gets the information that a product has been sold and the count of products will be updated; the shipping team will be notified of a package that has to be delivered to a particular address and so on.
Save on Expenditures
Integrating each of your independent systems will not only ensure a clean sales and management process but will also help in saving some money. As the data is collected, entered and validated in a disciplined format, this will reduce the number of workforces you will need to hire for data entry and processing. This will also improve the customer experience which will bring in better revenue for your business as well.

The application of System Integration systems is humongous. Here’s an example of where you can employ a System Integration Solution to improve your business.
ERP eCommerce Integration
This is a crucial part of a well-maintained eCommerce business. If you have started with a basic ERP system and have expanded your business to the online industry, ERP eCommerce integration will undoubtedly be a good way to ensure accurate business transactions. As your ERP is already linked with sales, invoices, inventory, etc., integrating it with the eCommerce website will reduce the manual data entry work and aid in the smooth flow of order processing from packaging to delivery.
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