Enterprise Resource Planning, commonly known by its abbreviation ERP, is the backbone of every well-functioning business. This is because of how well the system aids in managing many aspects of the business from purchase, stocks, placements, orders, shipments, payments details, etc.
When businesses go online there becomes an immediate need for integrating with the businesses existing ERP system to manage the sales. But in most cases, this is been overlooked due to the cost of interrupting the business for this modification.
While tracking down the offline sales via sales executives can be easy, as the businesses go online, the number of sales goes beyond that can be managed manually. This is where the need for integrating the existing ERP system to the eCommerce platform becomes essential.
Key Benefits of Integrating ERP with eCommerce
Better Data Precision
Integrating ERP system with the eCommerce storefront will help in tracking and easily managing the information on the website and online transactions through the websites. This can be assured as the requirement of re-entering data can be avoided that will ensure that data redundancy and errors can be reduced to a larger extent.
Reduced Inventory and Operative Costs
ERP integration with the eCommerce platform enables auto-update in the ERP inventory system which will help in maintaining the stocks and shipments. Along with the inventory updates, the operative costs also decrease as the ERP and eCommerce platform integration provides real-time data on orders and freight details. This avoids the need for an inventory and order tracking software that will reduce the overall expense of the online business.
Increased Employee Productivity
As the requirement of double data entry gets solved with the integration of the ERP system and eCommerce platform, this will allow the employees with to save more time that can be allotted for better productive tasks for the business. All the web sales orders and details regarding it will be synced directly to the ERP system that will on the long run save ample time.

Improved Customer Experience
Engaging customers with relevant and useful data is an ideal requirement for every online business to function to its best. Customers can easily order and track details of their orders and receive updates. This will keep the customers engaged and help in building confidence to reuse the platform.
Reporting and Management made Easier
Now, the reporting and analytics become better than before. The ERP systems can easily generate financial reports and the analyics data helps in improving the business in the field that require more attention.

Affordable eCommerce Solutions for ERP
If you already have an ERP and looking to take your business online, The www has an enormous number of eCommerce solution providers. But it is important to select the right one that will not only limit the service to just integrating the ERP system with the eCommerce platform but will also enhance the website experience. This includes adding more content fields, customized catalogues, APIs and mobile applications that will all add into increasing revenue. B2Sell provides a cost-effective solution for eCommerce for ERP users including Epicor P21.
Get in touch with our team to start your free demo today!